Commercial Vehicle Accident

When a truck accident occurs, the injuries can be very devastating for the passenger vehicle involved. I can help you through the process to make sure you can get back on your feet
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Common Causes of A Truck Accident

Accidents can happen for any number of reasons. Many times, it can be due to the truck driver’s negligence. Some common examples of negligence include:

  • Use of a cell phone while driving
  • Not obeying traffic laws
  • A lack of sleep
  • Impaired driving
  • Improper cargo loading
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What Should You Do If You Are Involved In A Truck Accident In Corpus Christi

The first thing you need to do is make sure you and anyone else that was involved in the accident is okay. If you are able, try to get photographs of any logos, license plates, or numbers on the truck to help later identify the truck that was involved in the collision. Any photographs of your vehicle, the road where the accident occurred, and anything else about the accident scene can be helpful as well.

An experienced attorney can use this information to help determine who was at fault in the accident and whether your injuries were due to the negligence of the other driver.

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Why You Should Hire A Commercial Vehicle Lawyer

Commercial vehicles and large trucks have many rules and regulations, both state and federal, that they must follow. Their vehicles have also gotten very sophisticated and will record a lot of information that occurs in the accident, such as the speed they were traveling, if any force was applied to their brakes, etc. An experienced attorney knows how to get this information as soon as possible to prevent it from being destroyed. This information is very important for your potential case.
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What You Need For A Successful Commercial Accident Settlement

The most important thing you can have is strong evidence to support that you were not the person who caused this accident. An experienced personal injury lawyer can do this through photographs of the scene of the accident, photographs of the vehicles involved, cell phone records, data recorded from the vehicles, and a number of other ways.

Ready to Discuss Your Case?

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